Minggu, 04 September 2011

Clinking Buttons Aid Student Discussion

A COMMON problem faced by teachers in implementing cooperative learning is certain students tend to dominate the discussion. But on the other hand, there are also students who are passive and do not contribute to the group work. This kind of situation calls for division of responsibilities amongst the students, without which the passive students will be dependent on their more active group mates. As a solution, Yasdi, SE, DBE3 District Facilitator from Bojonegoro District has adopted cooperative learning with "Kancing Gemerincing" (clinking buttons) in her social studies lesson in Class 8-E MTs Al Rosyid, with the basic competency: "Describing the function of tax in the national economy". This activity allowed each group member to contribute and appreciate other members’ opinions. The lesson followed these easy steps : (1) The teacher prepared a small box of buttons (other small things like pieces of straws, matches or beans will do just as well); (2) Discussion groups were formed, each group consisting of 6 students; (3) Each group member was given two or three buttons before beginning the discussion; (4) The teacher distributed the worksheet and the students discussed the worksheet; (5) Every time a student spoke up or expressed their opinion, (s)he put a piece of his/her button on the desk. (6) When (s)he has put all their buttons on the table (s)he was not be allowed to speak anymore until all the group members had done the same; (7) When all of them ran out of buttons but the task was not finished yet, they were allowed to redistribute the buttons and repeat step 4 to 6; (8) When students had finished their task, they made an analysis and wrote it down on a piece of paper; (9) Each group then presented their work to the other groups and ask for their inputs. Following the use of this method, students in Class 8-E are now more active during discussion. This method ensures that each student is given the opportunity to contribute in a discussion. Teachers can use this method as a solution to student's discussion problems.

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Yasdi, SE, MM
082 331 046 465 / 085 732 255 454

Alamat Kantor :
MTs Al Rosyid
Jl. KH. R. Moh Rosyid Ngumpakdalem Dander Bojonegoro Jawa Timur

Alamat Rumah :
RT. 01 RW. 01
Desa Sumodikaran Dander Bojonegoro Jawa Timur